Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's September 1st and my first blog post!

September 1, 2010

For all of you coffee lovers out there, I make 'coffee cards' using recycled fabric samples from an Interior Design store that went out of business. I finally snapped a few pictures of my latest creations. I am fortunate that an artisan store in Harrisburg, PA, the Hodge Podgery, has been able to sell them. I've had my cards there since April. Now I must get busy and make loads more because the holidays are next in line.

OK, I know I have a slight obsession with the coffee cup and coffee!!! I also recycle those handy corrugated cup bands. I have been enjoying refurbishing and using up pieces of fabric that otherwise would have ended up in the trash. I can fairly say I'm going 'green.'
I don't only do coffee cards, I also do another obsession--shoes. 

Besides doing cards, I am a photographer and a writer. It can be overwhelming at times, not knowing which outlet to pursue next. But so far I've been getting my fill in all these areas. Right now in the forefront is my novel, working to complete a full first draft. Today I wrote at lunch but want to find a time in the evenings to write more. I read some helpful writing information that suggested let the main character lead the way to where he or she wants to go. So I'm going to work on just letting go when I write and not wear my 'editors' hat too much in the beginning.


  1. Wooohooo, Susan, you finally joined the Blogosphere! LOVE the coffee and other creations, and you can bet I'll be placing Christmas orders with ya.

    Congrats and I'm happy to be your first follower! Will be spreading the news. :D

  2. And I am your second follower - whoop! :-D

  3. Great cards! Welcome to the blogosphere.

  4. Hi Susan, hopped over from Angie's. Anything with coffee (or chocolate) and I'm there. Welcome to Bloggerland.

    Heads up, if you let your characters just go, they might just get in more trouble than you thought. smiling.... Best of luck on your writing.
