I apologize I haven't posted here since November. And I won't waste time with excuses. Just know I have been writing and revamping my novel!
January 2013 will be on its way out shortly. For most, the New Year is a time for assessing their lives and looking at what they wish to change from the previous year. The diet and gym membership ads are plentiful and remind us of our abandoned resolutions; that we still need to lose that 20 pounds or maybe it's 30 by now.
"Once in Blue Moon," you say in regards to actually keeping one of your 20 resolutions. Writing resolutions are no different.
I witnessed the blue moon we had this past December and marveled at it. So too can we as writers and artists believe and keep striving at our work, even when we failed to keep certain writing goals or resolutions. Blue moons do occur after all.
Of course we keep our focus on our writing ever in view, no matter how distant it seems from accomplishing. I really didn't make any writing resolutions at the start of this year. I only continue where I left off and trust that I will make some real headway this 2013.
Most resolutions made are way too many to do in one year; set so high you'd have to grow longer arms to reach; or sold at yard sales [exercise bikes or treadmills]. Just grab that pen or computer and start writing what has been swirling around in your head. Yes, I know about the ideas that just won't take NO for an answer. Resolve to let go of resolutions and see what happens!